Upon looking up the word "ungrateful" in the dictionary, the definition found is: unappreciative; not displaying gratitude; not giving due return or recompense for benefits conferred.
I dare you the next time that you go into a store to pay attention to what little children are talking about...what they're asking for...what they're crying about. Then I dare you to hear what teenagers are saying and demanding. Then I dare you to look at what middle aged people are buying and saying...then take a good look at yourself...what would people say about your attitude if they heard you in a store?
I'm not going to lie...I am ungrateful. It's something that I have to remind myself daily...to be grateful for what I have...to not always be wanting something more...to not complain that what I have isn't "good enough"... that I "need" something else.
I don't say this to lay on a guilt trip at all...it's something that I've been observing for the past couple of months and really felt compelled to share.
Forgive me Lord if I seem ungrateful...for what I have...for what I'm given...and for people in my life...