Sunday, November 2, 2008

Don't Settle

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

Today, I had the opportunity to talk with two of my good friends back home.One of them shared with me this verse and I have to say, I've fallen in love with it.

I tried to break it down. "Commit to the Lord whatever you do.", wait...everything? Everything I do I have to commit to the Lord?Hmm...even cleaning?Dang...when I think about everything that I do and commiting it all to the Lord...would it honor Him or would it hurt Him?Dang...wake up call.

The second half of the verse is quite powerful as well... "and your plans will succeed." So, let me get this straight, if I commit everything that I do to the Lord, then my plans will succeed? Does that mean the plans that I commit or "whatever I do?" Does that mean that when I commit everything to speech, my actions, my heart..then he'll make my plans succeed and does that mean that until I do those things, then my plans won't succeed?It seems like such a simple verse, but when you try to get at the core, there's so much more truth behind it.Intense.

Can I be honest?I hate it when people settle.Not "settle down," but when they cut short the things that they can do with their lives. They stay at home and live with their parents, they don't go to uni, they don't do things that will better themselves and further their trust and faith in God. It absolutely drives me nuts when I hear how people settle for second best. They settle for what's comfortable...but it says right here, "Commit whatever you do and your plans will succeed." So...stop being scared of taking a leap of faith for Christ.That's something that I am constantly reminding myself of.

Leap.Get uncomfortable.Put yourself in a position where you're petrified...and God will blow your mind.


B said...

sorry that my pastoral side is going to come out right here, but...

you might want to rethink your definition of settling, especially here in New Zealand. you said:

"I hate it when people settle...when they cut short the things that they can do with their lives. They stay at home and live with their parents, they don't go to uni, they don't do things that will better themselves and further their trust and faith in God. It absolutely drives me nuts when I hear how people settle for second best. They settle for what's comfortable..."

i know it was meant to be an exhortation and it is true that some people settle by never stepping out, but the cultural norm here is to live at home with your parents and go to uni to save money. I have friends in their upper twenties still living at home and some of them are settling, some really do see it as the best life choice.

This is one of my life verses and it has also constantly encouraged me to commit anything i do to God before i start.

We do have to be careful though to remember that Proverbs is a book of wisdom and truth for how life works, but not just a formula.

There are things that people commit to the Lord, but honestly don't "succeed." It could be a wrong motive, that it was never truly committed to the Lord, etc., but we have to be careful to view this verse as an exhortation as you have done and not just a solution to all our problems because we are still sinful humans. Our commitments to the Lord can still be wrong.

Heidi said...

what i'm saying is that i hate how people just give up...they take the "easy road."they hold back from what God wants them to do...becuase it's "safer."

i can understand what you're saying though and i'm not saying that it's wrong to live with your long as you're not settling...if it's the better choice for you,then go for it...but i guess it's the motive.

does that make any sense?

why is it that people are so afraid to step out in faith?