Sunday, November 16, 2008

Absence Does What Again?

One of my good high school friends said that he missed me the other day...and I said, "Why is it that our friendship is stronger when we're so far apart?" To which he replied, "I think it's because, as cliche as it sounds, absence makes the heart grow fonder."I can't help but think that is such a geeky phrase...

Being a true geek, I looked up the word "fond" in the dictionary and it says: "cherished with strong or unreasoning feeling." I really like this definition because it rings true to how my heart is feeling at this moment. Being so far away from the people that I love has made me cherish the time that I speak with them that much more...and when I see their faces in pictures or on skype, I cherish that (in case you guys didn't know that).Since being here for two months, each of my closest friends have gone through something major. When things like that happen, I automatically want to be there.I've looked up plane tickets when two of my best friends lost their grandfathers...sad to say, it was just too expensive.

I think my problem stems from the whole "control" thing.I want control over things, especially where I am and who I can be with...but God has a different agenda...imagine that.I don't understand Him sometimes...why when my friends are going through really difficult times, do I have to be away from them?This is the typical "my heart is there, but my body isn't." My best friends in the States and in England are so worth it to me...I want to be there through everything...but I just can't. My heart is there,but my body isn't.

Is that fair though?By me thinking that way, am I taking too much of my heart away from being here...I have to be cautious of that...I wish I were a superhero that could be in two places at once...that would solve a lot of problems.

Through this, God teaches me yet another lesson...imagine that...He's teaching me that although I want to be there for my best friends through the pain and sorrow,I can't physically be there.I have to rely on God to take care of them and provide the comfort that I can't physically give. That's really tough for someone who is as stubborn as I am.I'm learning and growing more and more...

Don't wait for people to be absent to grow fond of them.

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