Sunday, April 18, 2010

Clumsy Consequence...

I thought that at this moment I would be in a fifteen passenger van heading to Portland, Maine for the evening...and then flying to Los Angeles, California tomorrow morning at 5:40...grossly early, I know.Instead I am sitting in my living room with my left leg up on three pillows, wrapped in an ace bandage, tylenol/ibuprofen by my side, people waiting on me hand and foot, and ice on top of and underneath my ankle.

Yesterday was the third Saturday of the month, which means that people meet at the church to go out on Adopt a Block...where we go around to help those in need and also act as a blessing for those who may not be so "in need." Well, me being my usual graceful self, started to walk toward my dad's vehicle to drop off my mug of coffee and I saw a curb...I thought, "hmm...let's try balancing on that!" It was higher up than most curbs, so I knew it would be a challenge. I'm stupid.

I started to walk on it and it wasn't long before I was on the ground screaming at the top of my lungs in pain...not fully understanding the damage and consequences that were about to come. They called the ambulance and my dad held my ankle, not knowing if it was broken or sprained badly. All I could say was, "I'm so sorry. I can't go to LA." I was gutted as LA was going to be a continuing training in how to better the adopt a block ministry in my town.

The paramedics were great and I rode in an ambulance for the first time while people stood outside my church waving. My dad was stoked that he got to ride shotgun...he would be!

I had four x-rays, an ID bracelet (you know you've done something bad when...), and I awaited the doctor's word. Thankfully it wasn't broken...but man that stupid ankle was huge...about the size of a tennis ball on my left foot. I got a walking boot, ace bandage, and crutches, which thankfully I've become a pro at using because of previous injuries.

I was faced with the decision to go to LA or not...and through much prayer and a heavy heart, we realized that in reality I wouldn't be able to go and be effective in climbing up flights of stairs and doing the ministries which require walking everywhere that you go...I am gutted.

My eyes were swollen when I woke up this morning due to the amount of tears shed. All I wanted was to do this ministry...have this opportunity...serve God in a different way...and I was being obedient...

I've been faithfully praying Philippians 3:10 lately which roughly says I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection...through suffering, even unto His death.
Little did I know what my suffering would look like.

Some people would get angry at God...after raising support and being so excited about this...and then BAM...not being able to go...but I don't look at it as that. Yes, I'm clearly upset, but there's a purpose in can't rush God's timing...His is perfect. I'm resting in that thought along with knowing that this is for a that I'm not sure of yet, but in His time, I will know.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

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