Friday, December 4, 2009

"Miracles" according to Reader's Digest...

I was reading this the other day and found these to be too interesting not to share...It's taken from this Christmas edition of Reader's Digest.

Some readers share the miracles in their own lives...

"The sunrise my father and I watched standing at the top of one of the Smoky Mountains."
"Our son fell 40 feet off his barn roof onto cement and didn't break any bones."
"All the factors that came together to help me find the daughter I had given up for adoption."

"A bumblebee flying."

"My husband getting out of the Pentagon on 9/11."
"During a serious kidney stone attack at age 37, I went into a coma and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I regained consciousness and lived. I am now 88 years old."
"Some would say that my actually getting married was a miracle." (burn)

"The days are filled with miracles: a flower blooming, my heart beating, the purr of a cat, the Internet." (interesting progression there)

"I feel that someone turning his life around for the better is a miracle."

"Love for the unlovable."


"Being able to have enough income to share with others less fortunate."

"Hearts changed."


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