Friday, April 9, 2010

Coffee and a Book...

I can remember being a little girl on school mornings and doing something sneaky. My parents were both coffee drinkers and I couldn't understand why. I didn't get why they "needed" that to wake them up in the morning for work. So, curious as I was, I decided that when they weren't looking, I would sneak some of their coffee. Mom would leave her cup on the table in the living room and after I was finished getting ready and no one was in the room, I would take a sip from the cup. Cold, flavored coffee. Back then, cause it was forever ago, we didn't have all these different flavors that we do today, so I'm pretty sure it was just cream and sugar in Mom's cup. I remember that first taste...I was hooked.

Now I can't imagine going a morning without having a cup of coffee. I even take my coffee to church with me on a Sunday morning. Possible addiction? Even if it is, I don't want to admit it.

A coffee related subject...books. I was reading chapter seven in "CrazyLove" by Francis Chan the other day. This chapter discussed how we are to look at everyone as if Jesus were that person...In Matthew 25:31-45 it talks about "I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you didn't invite me in...Whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for me."

Think about that for a minute. How selfish have I become, owning what I do and hoarding it to myself? There are people in different kind of needy situations everywhere around us, and rather than see Jesus in them and help them out in their time of need, we continue to buy more.

I know people who will never wear the same outfit twice, have 3 ipods cause two are "old," four tv's in their house and they only use one or two...

Who am I to complain that I "need" something...when I have all that I need. Am I storing up treasures on earth rather than holding out for heaven? Am I living as though who I come into contact with is Jesus?

Think about that.

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